The $50 non-refundable registration fee and first month's tuition are due at registration.
monthly class fees
One Class = $90 per month
Two Classes = $150 per month
Three Classes = $190 per month
Four Classes = $220 per month
Five Classes = $250 per month
Six Classes = $280 per month
7+ Classes (Unlimited Plan) = $310 per month
We offer a sibling discount of 15% per family toward monthly tuition.
Familes who pay annual tuition in full receive a 5% discount on tuition.
recital fees
Tuition includes recital fees, a recital t-shirt, video link, and recital costumes for up to 3 classes. Recital tickets are separate charges to Ticketmaster.
If a dancer chooses to perform in more than three recital dances, an $80 performance fee will be charged for each extra dance
Dancers enrolling after August will incur a one-time pro-rated recital surcharge to catch up on recital fees that would have been included in their monthly tuition
late payment
A $30 late fee will be automatically applied to unpaid accounts on the 20th of each month.
Families with two months of nonpayment will be dismissed from the studio.