our alumni
rev dancers going on to do great things!

Brenna Bocik
ohio state university
I danced at the Rev for 14 years, starting back from cheer bugs all the way through my senior year! I'm now going into my second year at Ohio State University as a member of the dance team and majoring in Exercise Science with a minor in disability studies.
Some of my earliest memories as a kid were spent in the bug room on the plastic scooter rollercoaster and pretending to shop at tutus in between my classes where Studio A is now. Every single teacher, rehearsal, skills class, and teammate taught me some of the most valuable lessons that extend far beyond dance. Especially my senior year in 2020, we all learned to cherish every single moment- the wins, the losses, the laughs, the quick changes, and everything in between. I would never be where I am today without the Rev. We are one huge family who will never let you walk through life alone and will cheer you on every step of the way.

Chloe lindahl
East tennessee state university
Hello! My name is Chloe, and I started dancing at the Rev in 2015. I am currently in school at East Tennessee State University studying Elementary Education. I will be student teaching this last year of school, and then I hope to teach internationally one day while sharing the good news of Jesus! In college, I have loved serving with a campus ministry and pouring into other college students. In my free time, I love spending time with friends, exploring new towns, and going to coffee shops!
Dancing at the Rev taught me about how to work as a team and how to support others. It also taught me dedication and hard work. While I haven’t danced in college, I am so thankful for all the many nights in the studio. No matter what I came into the studio carrying, dancing helped to express my emotions, and doing that with others was a sweet experience.
summer davis
university of alabama
I danced at Revolution for about 7 years! I am currently at The University of Alabama studying Computer Science. I am also on the Bama Dance Team. Although the Rev helped me grow throughout my dance journey as well as prepare me for future dance opportunities, I most importantly took away the impact of the life lessons taught by the amazing staff. I really admired how they were able to implement and put faith first.
In addition, one of the most special things is that they are constantly creating an inclusive environment that inspires students to uplift each other. I made my very best friends there, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. This studio has had a great impact throughout my life; really to the point where trying to put it in words is near impossible. All in all, it has pushed me to be a better person on and off the floor. I would not be where I am today without the staff and the life lessons that they have taught me.

Bailey Manifold
university of tennessee knoxville
I danced at Revolution for 3 years as a part of the senior company! I attend the University of Tennessee and am majoring in Economics with a minor in Data Analytics. I am a part of greek life and am a member of Alpha Chi Omega. I am currently coaching Fox Den Swim Team and interning for Spotify!
From the second I walked into Revolution (only a week after moving to Knoxville) I met my best friends. The girls who came to shape me throughout high school and love me unconditionally. There is no other place like Revolution Dance and wish everyday I could be a part of it again.

Ally Robinson
university of tennessee knoxville
Revolution Dance Studio was my home for ten years throughout elementary, middle and high school. Revolution was impressionable in more ways than I could have ever imagined providing me with discipline, drive, invaluable life lessons, a second family, and endless opportunities.
During my time on Revolution Dance Company, I began pursuing photography and videography, which I have now transformed into my career and passion. As a General Arts major at the University of Tennessee, I have been able to showcase my love for the arts and continue to grow my photography business. Without Julie Barton and Cristin Lewis, I would have never taken the initiative to follow my passion.
Alina Serafin
ohio state university
My name is Alina Serafin and I danced at Revolution for 7 years. I am currently a member of the dance team at The Ohio State University where I also plan to attend PA school after completing undergrad.
One of the most unique aspects of Revolution Dance is the support shown to one another no matter what age or if you are a student or a teacher. I remember coming to the studio for the first time as a little fifth grader, who was nervous to join a completely new environment, and felt so welcome by the people who greeted me in which they made me feel like I belonged there. I knew then that it was a special place and I had made the right decision. As soon as you step into the studio, feelings of love and comfort overwhelm you.
It is a place you can completely be yourself and know that everyone around you genuinely wants to see you succeed. Those at Revolution are one big family and without them, I would not be where I am today in all aspects including those other than dance. I learned to step out of my comfort zone and never hold back on achieving what I want and I will use these skills for the rest of my life.

Taylor Tarquin
university of tennessee knoxville
I was blessed to dance at REV for 2 years after moving to Knoxville from Charlotte, North Carolina. They immediately embraced me as part of their family! I am a current Junior at the University of Tennessee majoring in Public Relations and a proud member of the Tennessee Dance Team! I love continuing my passion of dance by getting to help grow and develop dancers by teaching them at the Rev!
The Rev has not only helped me as a dancer but also has grown me as an individual with finding my true values and what is most important to me in life. Some of the most precious moments I will always cherish were with my teachers and my friends at the Rev as they were with me through the lows and the highs! I am forever grateful for the moments I had at the Rev and I can’t wait to continue to share my passion of dance with the next generation of dancers!
Brooke Thayer
ohio state university
I danced at the Rev my last three years in high school. I am now a part of the Ohio State University Dance Team. There are so many things the Rev taught me, it is hard to pick just one. But, I couldn't be more thankful for the people it gave me and the growth it provided for me in both dance and life.
The cool thing about the Rev is that it isn't somewhere you just go to be a better dancer. It is somewhere you go to make bonds with girls and teachers that will be deeper than you've ever experienced. It is somewhere you go to become a better person all while getting to do what you love with your favorite people. I learned to take advantage of every opportunity because the second you graduate you wish you could have done more or been there longer!